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Issue #126

October 1, 2024

Attend the Biggest Inspector Event of the Year

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 Network with inspectors from across the country, take advanced hands-on workshops, attend demonstrations, and learn how to take your business to the next level!

Hurricane Resources for Home Inspectors and Homeowners

Hurricane resources

InterNACHI® understands the critical role that home inspectors play in ensuring the safety and security of homes, especially in hurricane-prone areas.

Our Home Inspector College Is Tuition-Free

Home Inspector College

Our college provides all of InterNACHI's courses and the Home Inspector Certificate Program to InterNACHI® members for free. 

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Pre-Drywall Inspection Course

Pre-Drywall Course

You talked – we listened! InterNACHI® is excited to announce our new free Pre-Drywall Inspection Course! This course will teach you the essential skills for conducting thorough inspections of the foundation, roof, and framing, and the mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems in homes before the drywall goes up.

How to Inspect for Moisture Intrusion Course 

Moisture Course

Learn how to:

  • identify and describe specific details of the building that may cause moisture-related problems;

  • describe the design, construction, and maintenance of houses and buildings that manage moisture effectively;

  • inspect for indications of moisture intrusion; and

  • communicate how to prevent moisture intrusion by proper installation of systems and components.

How to Inspect Pools and Spas Course

Pool Spa Course

Learn how to:

  • provide accurate and useful information pertaining to pools and spas for their client;

  • describe how pools and spas work;

  • inspect circulation, heating, and filtering systems and components; and 

  • inspect the electrical components.

Priority Lab
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Breeze Radon Monitor
Sewer scope training class.
BREEZE ST mold testing kit.
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Pump Up Your Profits
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